Every Donation counts…
Your gift today will help ensure that the Campbell Rhododendron Gardens, created in 1970, remain beautiful for everyone to enjoy for decades to come.
We appreciate your caring and thank you for your generosity.
Bequests empower you to make an enduring tribute that mirrors your passion and interests. The Campbell Rhododendron Gardens today are a result of past generations who likewise cherished the notion of the contributing to the future enjoyment of our Gardens.
All endowments, large and small have an enduring effect, ensuring our plants and your Gardens live on for many generations to come.
For enquiries or to learn more about leaving a gift in your will please contact us by email - president@rhodogarden.org.au
Bank transfer details
Transfer your donation directly to our bank account:
Account name: Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Inc
BSB: 062 507
Account number: 10012075
Description: Please include your NAME and the word GARDENS - e.g. BrownGARDENS