In the Media
Following are media articles mentioning the Campbell Rhododendron Gardens…
Rhodo steps into the modern era
Article by Jennie Curtin in the Blue Mountains Gazette
Rhodo steps into the modern era
New home for old gnomes
Article by Jennie Curtin in the Blue Mountains Gazette
To many people, 2000 garden gnomes might be considered enough.
Campbell Rhododendron Gardens Spring Welcome Weeks
Article by Lis Bastian in the Blackheath Area Local News
The Campbell Rhododendron Gardens are open for their annual Spring Welcome Weeks
Gardens ready for annual influx of visitors
Article by Jennie Curtin in the Blue Mountains Gazette
Campbell Rhododendron Gardens in Blackheath are ready for their annual influx of visitors…
The Misty Valley: Fire, Flood, Covid & Serenity
Interview with Deb Wells in Blackheath Area Local News
Deb Wells is a long time volunteer, former President of the Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Inc.
Interview with Julie Parker in Orphan Rock
Interview with Julie Parker in Orphan Rock.
Julie Parker is a retired landscape designer and volunteer for the Campbell Rhododendron Gardens at Blackheath.
Gnomes heading up the Mountains
The first Campbell Rhododendron Gnome display - Rhododendron Gnome Convention Day
Welcome Weeks are back!
Welcome weeks are back - and the Rotary Gnome Convention is coming…
Torrens University students working in the Gardens
Torrens University students arrived to work in the Gardens to assist in cleanup in the aftermath of the 2019 fires.