Garden improvements in 2022

February 13, 2023

In the last quarter of 2022, we have moved ahead on a number of safety related issues in the Gardens. These are to improve our Work Health and Safety measures, and to fulfil our obligations to Crown Lands, as well as making the Gardens just safer for all visitors and for all volunteers.

Good progress has been made with repairs to tracks damaged by heavy rains during 2022. Many tracks had become unsafe, with multiple trip hazards, (like whole sets of stairs washed away!) and had to be closed. Some had been temporarily repaired for the Welcome Weeks, but we’re now moving ahead with opening as many tracks as possible so we can all enjoy access to the range of plantings and natives in the Gardens.

Additionally, our contractor has rebuilt the Centenary Walk steps, complete with new handrailing and new stone steps.

They have also built new steps in sandstone, to gain access to the lawn area near the fountain - called the Andy Johnstone area.

To the Andy Johnstone area

Centenary Walk


Geebung - Persoonia levis


Goings on in the Gardens…