Flower meadow planting
February 14, 2022
The wildflower meadow was planted on the Sunday 12th May, 2021 in the freezing cold. It was a joint effort by BRMS and Rotary in celebration of Rotary’s 100th Year Anniversary. The plants were provided by the Blue Mountains Wildplant Rescue.
Rotary came along to help and brought their Bun Wagon – all in all it was a jolly time. The Blue Mountains Mayor, Mark Greehill, was invited and came along to help.
In January 2022, members of Blackheath Rotary joined us to complete the planting of the Wild Flower Meadow. Mulch is going on and it looks great.
The wildflower meadow planting day in 2021 with Mayor Mark Greenhill and representatives from Rotary, Wildplant Rescue and Deb Wells in the wheelchair
The Wild-flower meadow in January 2022