Wildlife projects in the Garden
January, 2021
Members may have seen Notices of surveillance cameras in the Gardens such as this below. They are are associated with two University studies currently in progress.
In one study, cameras and audio recorders will measure the rate of return of wildlife to burnt areas of the Gardens, using movement actuated videos and the recording of bird and animal calls. Emma Spencer, a PhD student at the Global Research Lab, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, is shown here with Blue Mountains City Council Natural Assets Officer, Chris Indyka, placing the cameras in the Gardens in November. Our Garden study is part of a wider study throughout the Blue Mountains area.
And in another study by Oliver Kelly, a University of Newcastle researcher, which commenced in January, 2021, an “audio moth” will record frog calls in our Lake to determine our resident species types. Frog species and numbers are an indicator of habitat health, and several species are endangered. This program is being funded by the NSW Government through a partnership between the Saving our Species program and the Environmental Trust.
New signs in the Garden
Emma Spencer and Chris Indyka
Oliver Kelly and Amir