Membership Form
To join the Blue Mountains Rhododendron society, complete the webform and arrange payment of your membership fees.
Alternatively you can download the hard copy version of the Membership Form , complete it, include your payment option and post it or deliver it to the Gardens in person.
Payment options:
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
A/C Name: Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Inc.
BSB: 062 507
A/C Number: 10012075
Please use your surname as a reference for identification.
Payable to: Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Inc.
You can pay your membership fees in cash at the Gardens - usually on Mondays or any day during Spring Welcome Weeks which in 2023 are from 30/9/23 - 5/11/23.
You can join in person by visiting the Gardens during Spring Welcome Weeks where one of our volunteers will be on duty at the Information Booth to assist you.
At other times, volunteers will be at the Gardens on Mondays and can help with the paperwork.