Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Incorporated
The Campbell Rhododendron Gardens are managed and maintained by the Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW Incorporated, a not-for-profit community organisation of volunteers, with members throughout Australia.
The purpose of the Society is to establish and maintain the 18.3 hectares of Crown Land, known as the Campbell Rhododendron Gardens. By implementing a landscape plan covering the whole area, the Society utilises the general topography to best display a vast range of native plants, ornamental trees and shrubs in a natural mountains setting so as to create a centre of beautification and educational interest tto the Society’s members and horticulturalist and visitors from all over the world. Residents of other countries are encouraged to join our Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society and support our activities...and then visit the Gardens when they tour Australia.
All work to maintain, improve and expand the Gardens is carried out by volunteers, affectionately known as the MonVols - perhaps you would like to join us.
Everyone is very welcome to attend our General Meetings which are held on the 3rd Saturday in February, April, June, August and September, at 2:00 pm in the Lodge in the Gardens, usually with entertaining Guest Speakers. In December there is a Christmas Lunch for Society Members.
The Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society needs to be resourceful in order to raise all of its own funds. Very occasionally we receive funds or a grant from Blue Mountains City Council, but no regular Government funding. So we really appreciate when you visit the Gardens that you make a Donation at the Information Booth.